The Comprehensive Plan outlines the community’s goals to guide development and future growth of Winlock while preserving the history of the city throughout the next 20 years. The plan includes elements that discuss land use, housing, capital facilities, public utilities, rural, transportation, economic, parks and recreation. The City of Winlock adopted it’s first Comprehensive Plan in August of 1969 and the City’s first GMA-based Comprehensive Plan was adopted in June of 1997 and has been updated regularly.
Why are we updating our Comprehensive Plan
The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that cities and counties update their Comprehensive Plans on a periodic schedule; RCW 36.70A.130(5). This is an opportunity to revise and update data, review existing goals and policies to ensure the community supports those ideas and ensure that they reflect the priorities and values of the community, and conform to all federal, state, and local requirements.
The next update of the Comprehensive Plan is due June 30, 2025 and the update will be be for the next 20 years of land use, population, and employment growth through 2045.
Winlock’s Comprehensive Plan
This plan is a broad statement of the community’s values and vision for its future. Created with firmly established rules that carry certain legal effects the plan guides the actions of leaders of the City and property owners and provides citizens with a sense of direction and a purpose for the community as a whole.
The plan is made up of the following elements: Plan Synopsis, Land Use, Housing, Capital Facilities, Public Utilities & Facilities, Transportation, Economic Development, Parks, Recreation & Open Spaces.

Get Involved
Public Participation Plan
The development of a successful Comprehensive Plan is when it reflects a wide variety of views and the values of the city and its Urban Growth Area (UGA). The vision, goals and policies should reflect the entire community of those who reside and work in Winlock. The plan needs to be inclusive and reach out to everyone and that means YOU. So how can you get involved in the process:
- Attend City Council and Planning Commission Workshops and provide feedback
- Attend public hearings and let them know what you would like to see
- Participate in the Comprehensive Plan Survey
- Send us an email with your opinions and/or comments
Being involved in the planning process is up to just one person and that is YOU. Make your opinion known for the future of Winlock
Land Capacity Analysis
This analysis will help the city understand what types of housing we are missing and what barriers we need to remove to provide housing for all people. This analysis will be a major piece to developing our Housing Element for the Comprehensive Plan. As we start to address where the housing should go in the city we want to know where you think we should direct new housing to go and what density.
Lands Capacity Analysis Memo
City Council/Planning Commission Check In | April 2024 | |
Stakeholder Meeting | May 2024 | |
Planning Commission | May 2024 | |
City Council Initial Draft Materials | June 2024 | |
Stakeholder Meeting | September 2024 | |
City Council Update | October 2024 | |
Stakeholder Meeting | January 2025 | |
Planning Commission Hearing | February 2025 | |
City Council Hearing for Draft Version | March 2025 | |
Public Hearing on Ordinance Adoption | June 2025 |