Winlock Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction that handles criminal and infraction cases cited within the city limits of the City of Winlock and the City of Toledo, Washington. The information provided below is intended to help guide you through the court process and to answer frequently asked questions.
The goal of the Winlock Municipal Court is to be helpful and responsive to the public. If you have any further questions, please call the court office.
Honorable Allen C. Unzelman
Madisen Sturdevant, Court Administrator
Phone: 360-785-2070 – Office
Phone: 360-785-6080 – JURY LINE
Fax: 360-785-4378
Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm (closed from 12:00 – 1:00 for lunch). If the office is closed, please leave a detailed voicemail at 360-785-2070 and someone will return your call as soon a possible, Thank You!
Winlock City Hall
323 NE First Street
PO Box 777
Winlock, WA 98596
Payment options are online, in-person or by mail.
By Mail: send payments to: Winlock Municipal Court, PO Box 777,
Winlock, WA 98596
In Person: Tues.-Fri., 8:30 to Noon (closed Noon to 1:00) and 1:00 to 4:30. Please call 360-785-2070 and leave a detailed voicemail and someone will return your call as soon as possible. Thank You!
To Pay Online: credit/debit cards or E-checks are accepted through InvoiceCloud, a third-party vendor. Click the Court Payments Link below or go to the Payments Page by clicking Payments on the main menu bar at the top of the page. Once on the Payments Page select “Winlock Municipal Court Payment” link. DO NOT make court payments through the “City of Winlock” link.
*Upon your arrival, please check in with the officer in the hallway and then make your way into the courtroom. When your case is called, please come forward to the podium.
*NO weapons allowed. Backpacks, purses and bags will be checked before entering the courtroom.
*Dress appropriately, NO inappropriate clothing is suitable for the courtroom.
*NO hats or head coverings, except those for religious or medical purposes.
*NO smoking, gum, food or beverages in the courtroom.
If you have received a criminal citation, you have been charged with a crime. Both traffic and non-traffic criminal citations, require a mandatory court appearance. The court date information is printed at the top on the front of your ticket. You will not be notified by mail of your court date. If you need to look your court date up, call the court office at 360-785-2070. Failure to appear for a mandatory court appearance may result in a bench warrant being issued for your arrest.
If you have received an infraction, you have committed an act which is prohibited by law, but which is not legally defined as a crime. Both traffic and non-traffic infractions, require you to respond within thirty (30) days from date issued by following the instruction at the top on the front of your ticket. If you do not respond, the infraction will be found committed and may be reported to the Department of Licensing.
If you choose to pay your ticket in full, you may make your payment by mail, online, or in person. If mailing, make checks payable to Winlock Municipal Court and write your ticket number on the check. Online, click the Court Payments Button above or go to the Payments Page and follow the instructions. In person payments can be made during regular business hours.
If you are unable to pay the fine amount in full you may request that the court provide you with information about how to obtain a payment plan. Contact the Court Administrator for more information.
A mitigation hearing is where you admit you have committed the violation, but would like to explain the circumstances and/or ask for a reduction of the fine amount. To request a mitigation hearing, select box #3 (Mitigation Hearing) at the top on the front of your ticket and either mail or drop off at the court office. You will be notified by mail when your hearing has been scheduled. If you choose a mitigation hearing, the violation will appear on your driving record.
A contested hearing is to say you did not commit the violation or to challenge the ticket. To request a contested hearing, select box #4 (Contested Hearing) at the top on the front of your ticket and either mail or drop off at the court office. You will be notified by mail when your hearing has been scheduled. If the infraction is dismissed, it will not appear on your driving record.
If you fail to pay your ticket, the court will add a $52.00 Failure To Appear Penalty and notify the Department of Licensing, which may result in the suspension of your driving privileges. In addition, the ticket will be sent to a collection agency and will no longer be able to pay at the court office.
To request records from the Winlock Municipal Court, please complete a Public Records Request Form and return to the Court Administrator.
Refer to the Washington State Courts Directory for other state court records at
Disclaimer: Court staff cannot provide legal advice or opinions. The material provided is for informational purposes only and the court assumes no liability for any legal consequence arising out of any information provided on these pages.